Artwork for Nick Holmes

Dicky Umphraville

This Is Modern Art

Le Faiseur De Pluie

Frank's Wild Years


Artificial Landscape

Self-Portrait (Squinting)

Strange Fruit
I have a background in teaching, film studies and fine art. My paintings play with memory, identity and popular culture and often make reference to famous works in film, literature, music and art, while puzzling over what a ‘contemporary painting’ might look like. I want visitors to question what they are looking at while encouraging them to smile.
Reflecting the particular cultural and political moment I'm living through .
Nick Holmes Contemporary Art
Since retiring from teaching in the secondary and tertiary sectors, I have continued my practice as a painter.
1965 NDD Winchester School of Art
1987 MA in Film Studies, Sheffield Hallam University
2003 MA in Fine Art, Sunderland University
2021-4 Turps Banana Correspondence Course
2024 ‘A Ripple of Land’, Chapel Gallery, Bromyard
‘Telling Tales’, Solo Exhibition, Chapel Gallery, Bromyard
RWA Friends Open Exhibition, Bristol
2023 RWA Friends Open Exhibition, Bristol
‘Seeing Us’, Chapel Gallery, Bromyard
Coach House, Westonbury, Pembridge (nickholmesart.co.uk)
Chapel Gallery, Bromyard (chapelgallerybromyard.com)
Gallery 16, Cheltenham (sixteengallery.com)