Artwork for Margaret Coulson

Wonky Salt Cellars
My works varies according to what inspires me at the time, whether this be an image, music, poetry or an experience. Interesting raw materials can also generate ideas! If I feel passionately about something, whether through a positive or negative emotion, then I have a much clearer idea of what I want to do.
Capturing, as best as I can, in an image or sculpture, the beauty of a subject. I like to lose myself in the creative process and see what eveolves!
An enthusiastic amateur!
Weekly attendance at Bedstone Art Group. I have been on nunerous art workshops covering life drawing, portraiture, mixed media collage, landscape and printing. There is always something new to learn from the teaching and from fellow students!
Timetable issues meant that I had to drop art after only two years at school, but I have always doodled and made things. Retirement gave me the chance to do much more.
hArt 2024